Carol at May Dreams Gardens invites us to tell her what’s blooming in our gardens on the 15th of each month.
November 15, 2010
The day began gray and gloomy, real November weather. Mid-afternoon it finally cleared a little but the chill remained. We built our first fire of the season tonight.
Lots of forward-thinking Austinites are scurrying around preparing for our first frost. One of the earliest freezes in recent years was on November 17, 2005. I’m hoping this will be the warm, dry winter forecast; I have a lot of tomatoes hanging in the balance. The ‘Gold Rush Currant’ tomatoes open scores of flowers every day even though I pinch them back daily.
The leaves of most of the trees are beginning to turn. They aren’t dropping off fast enough to suit me, though. I’m anxious for the leaves to drop, so I can clean up, and plant my meadow flowers out.
Almost everything flowering today is new for this month. The Pacific chrysanthemum and the butterfly weed started opening today.
Pacific chrysanthemum, Ajania pacifica
Scarlet milkweed, Asclepias curassavica
The ‘Elves Blend’ sunflowers are in full bloom now. So is one wild sunflower. I planted another variety for fall but it hasn’t bloomed yet. Last year, Austin got its first freeze before the sunflowers opened.
Elves Blend sunflower, Helianthus annuus
I planted some other flowers for fall color but I forgot how bad the shade is still in November. The zinnias and cosmos were a complete failure.
The rest of today’s flowers were brought to me by other Austin garden bloggers. The white cat’s whiskers are a passalong from Robin at Getting Grounded.
Cat’s whiskers, Orthosiphon stamineus
The stunning Salvia madrensis is a passalong from Renee at Renee’s Roots.
Salvia madrensis
And now in its second year, the Mexican mint marigold is a passalong from Annie at The Transplantable Rose.
Mexican mint marigold, Tagetes lucida
November 15, 2010
The list of all plants flowering today, November 15th 2009, at Zanthan Gardens.
- Abelia grandiflora (2010)
- Ajania pacifica (2010)
- Aloe ‘Grassy Lassie’ (2010)
- Antigonon leptopus (2010) almost all gone to seed
- Antirrhinum majus (2010) rebloom, survived summer
- Asclepias curassavica (2010)
- Dianthus ‘Fandango Crimson’ (2010)
- Duranta erecta (2010)
- Galphimia glauca (2010)
- Helianthus annuus ‘Elves Blend’ (2010) wild
- Helianthus annuus (2010) wild
- Lantana montevidensis (2010)
- Lantana ‘New Gold’ (2010)
- Nerium oleander (2010)
- Nierembergia gracilis ‘Starry Eyes’ (2010)
- Orthosiphon stamineus (2010)
- Pandorea ricasalonia (2010)
- Parkinsonia aculeata, Retama (2010)
- rose ‘Blush Noisette’ (2010)
- rose ‘New Dawn’ (2010)
- rose ‘Red Cascade’ (2010)
- rosemary (2010)
- Salvia madrensis (2010)
- Setcresea (both purple and green) (2010)
- Tagetes lucida (2010)
- tomato (2010)