The first ten minutes I thought I’d walked into the wrong movie. I couldn’t decide if the level of cheesy parody was targeted for 8-year-olds or the pot-smoking SNL crowd and I never liked Indiana Jones. Moreover I hate the CGI teal and orange look which attempt to blur the line between movies and video games. I associate comic books with bold colors, especially reds, yellows, and a generous balance of white.
Then we get to the first fight scene. In broad daylight under a bright blue sky. It’s fast, fun, and funny. My interest piques. By the end of the movie, I decided Guardians of the Galaxy had pulled of a pretty neat trick, successfully staying on the right side of the line between cheesy fun and an embarrassing mess.
It’s such a relief to watch a superhero movie which doesn’t take itself too seriously. And every time someone sinks into a reflective, moment of embarrasng emotion, the comedy kicks in. Less pompous, more fun. It’s also refreshing to see women characters who are actors not objects. Maybe not that surprising in a movie where almost everyone exercises free will, even the talking raccoon and a tree. (Would you describe the way the tree, Groot, walks as “lumbering”?)
Bottom line: Great fun for 8-year-olds of all ages and genders.
GPlus Discussion
Marc Schnau – 2014-09-28 08:51:09-0400 – Updated: 2014-09-28 08:51:19-0400
Great review, thanks a lot. I was somehow undecided (to watch or not to watch), but I will give “Guardians….” a try.
Daniela Huguet Taylor – 2014-09-28 08:55:31-0400
Our family loved it, lots.
Mike Jenkinson – 2014-09-28 10:04:13-0400
I’m 45 and I thought this was the best movie I’d seen since Return of the King. I loved this movie. It was FUN, and that’s sorely missing from most movies these days.
M Sinclair Stevens – 2014-09-28 10:14:49-0400
+Mike Jenkinson Yes. Fun! How unusual is that these days in this genre? Such a relief! If we’re going to pursue comic-book heroes and villainry, why not have more fun.